Low waisted leggings

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13.990Ft  6.995Ft
15.990Ft  11.993Ft
13.900Ft  8.340Ft
12.990Ft  3.990Ft
13.900Ft  6.950Ft
13.900Ft  6.950Ft

Displaying 1 to 9 (of 11 products)

Unique design, advantageous design: This is how Beyond womens fitness leggings are made!

Regardless of your body type, you are sure to find the perfect womens fitness leggings for you. You can choose from womens waist pants in different waist heights, buttocks, colors and sizes. Now we will help you a bit to find out more about the womens fitness leggings on our website and get to know Beyond by ST a bit, Suzy Toldi own designed brand.

Womens fitness leggings in high waisted style

Perhaps lately, one of the most popular types of high waisted womens fitness leggings. Optically lengthening the legs and slightly tightening the abdomen, which we admit is quite a critical area if we do not pay attention to meals and workouts properly.
We also have pocketed, buttom crunched style, high waisted womens fitness leggings made with a bottom-lifting design and seamless.

Which hould I choose hipster or high waist womens fitness leggings?

The leggings differ not only in color and size, but also in style. So in addition to the high waist, you can also find hip and extra hip style womens fitness leggings.
Because high waisted pants optically show legs longer and waist narrower, this style is especially recommended for slightly rounder, hourglass body types.
In contrast, a hip pants optically shortens the legs and stretches the upper body. It works well on body types where it is advantageous to highlight the hips and abdomen. This can be a perfect choice especially for the rectangular and hourglass physique.

What does the V-hip line mean for womens fitness leggings?

The V-hip line is a normal-shaped womens fitness leggings shaped like a V-front at the front to make it look even more advantageous.

How is a buttom crunched style womens fitness leggings different?

When designing clothes, Suzy Toldi always pays attention to the small details that make it special and unique. Womens fitness leggings with a buttom crunched style are also intended to make the garment look as advantageous as possible from behind. These womens fitness leggings optically round the buttocks and highlight them better.

Take a look at our high waisted fitness pants and find your style!